
Terence J. Murphy

My writing focuses on the scientific plausibility of a concept that grabs the reader, then whisks them on a journey that flows from the discovery and is woven around a captivating story.

Terence J. Murphy is the exciting author of The Cranio-Genesis Project series with sales in nine countries.

Terry (please use the name my friends use) enjoys hearing from his readers, so please send him notes ( about the books, comments on characters, and even suggestions for inclusion in the follow-ons. 

Numerous ideas from readers have been infused into the books so far.

A former Chief Operating Officer at DRS Technologies, Terry earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Central Florida and a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech. Terry spent most of his career working on night vision technology, heading the Infrared Technologies engineering organization at Texas Instruments (before it was sold to DRS Technologies). Later, Terry was President of the infrared business unit before heading to the Corporate Office. He holds numerous patents, including inventions in photo-sensing and MEMS technology available in multiple products today. After completing his undergraduate, Terry was commissioned in the U.S. Navy and began his career as an instructor at the Naval Nuclear Power School.

Terry lives with his beautiful wife, Tracey, in Georgia. While not writing, they endeavor to spend time with family and friends, even sneaking in time for hiking, biking, pickleball, and other activities. 

Terence J. Murphy is discriminatingly seeking an accomplished literary agent and publisher for his current and follow-on novels.